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The “Contemporary Epistemological Adventure” now available in the Bookstores

By March 8, 2019No Comments

Five years ago, Annie Gentes and myself had an idea for an original gift. Anne-Françoise Schmid was retiring and we thought about organizing a conference around her works, inviting researchers that had collaborated with her. The conference took place in September 2014 at Mines-ParisTech with large participation. Last month, the collective book resulting from this conference is published by Kimé editions and is available in Parisian bookstores.

“How to produce a non-disicplinary description of sciences? How is design enabled in sciences? What does it take to have science without exclusions? Which are the new operator of rigorousness in contemporary sciences?” Here’s the questions we raised to open the discussion. And the replies by the contributions in the book touch multiple disciplines at the same time. More than a gift at Anne-Françoise, this book is a gift to researchers being confronted to the epistemological challenges of contemporary scientific disciplines.

You can find the abstract and a preview of the book here.